
"Why then the world's mine oyster, which I with sword will open."


Black Friday shopping has started on!

Sephora has started its Black Friday deals already, for all you online shoppers! I just made a few purchases at $12 CAD each:


Make Up For Ever Aqua Shadow Duo ($48 CAD value)


BareMinerals Enchanting Eyes ($39 CAD value)


Stila Artful Eye Collector’s Edition Vol. II ($70 CAD value)

I am a VIB Rouge so I get free shipping on all orders without a minimum purchase requirement (yes, this does mean I have a shopping sickness). I just paid $36 CAD for goodies worth $157 CAD. What a steal!

What’s in your shopping cart?

(Image source:


That awkward moment after you haven’t seen each other in too long

Like when you run into an old acquaintance at the grocery store after work, frazzled from a long day, trying to rush so that you could get home and prepare dinner while thinking about the forty other deadlines clamouring for your attention. You distractedly try to carry on a conversation, while being painfully aware how obvious it is that you’re not quite sure how to conduct yourself after such a long separation.

That is how I feel about blogging right now. And how I have been feeling about it for a while. So now the question is: how do I re-enter the blogosphere gracefully?

My last post lamented my lack of blogging when I worked full time over the summer. Then I had went on vacation to Hong Kong and upon my return, had to prepare for school. I had figured that I’d be able to blog during school as I had previously, but it turns out I had severely underestimated the difficulty and the workload.

I do want to thank everyone for their kind inquiries regarding my absence. Each put a smile on my face. And I assure you that I hold you close at heart. In fact, sometimes I find myself commenting on the weather in Vancouver, the lack of Sephoras in Belgium, the lackluster malls in Ottawa, the shopping in India, cosmetics available in Singapore, and so on and so forth. And my friends look at me oddly and wonder how I know these things.

I can guarantee nothing but my promise to try to keep up. There is so much I want to say. If only I could type as fast as I think! It would sure help with school. Wouldn’t we all have so much more time?


Blogging is not easy. It really isn’t.

I just finished my first week at my summer job, starting the second, and I came to several devastating realizations.

1. I have no life.

Seriously. I’ve got work 8:00-4:00, but I have to travel over an hour each way. This means I have to get up at 6 am and go to bed by 11 pm to be able to do it all over again the next day. By the time I get home it’s around 5:30, which gives me enough time to help with dinner, eat dinner, clean up after dinner, and shower before going to bed. If I’m playing badminton, I would head out right after dinner, jump in the shower afterward, and hope that I can get up the next morning. I don’t have energy to think, let alone blog. Any time I have left over is inevitably filled by family obligations and social calls.

I believe a much-deserved shoutout should be given to all you bloggers who work full time jobs and yet are still able to blog each day, or quite regularly at the very least. I have no idea how you do it, but my respect for you all has been elevated to new heights.

2. Not only can I not blog, but I can’t read blogs either. 

I have been deprived of the time and energy to blog, so I thought that I would at least be able to browse your blogs when I have off-time at work. I work fast, and so have more free time than most. I really didn’t think it would be appropriate to blog at work, but I thought I could at least enjoy my daily blog reading. But no. My organization has blocked access to all personalized web content (blogs most definitely included). Which means I can’t even pass the time by catching up on everyone – no WordPress sites work. I am not a happy camper.

3. I am still not unpacked. 

My goal had been to completely clean out my room and unpack everything I’d brought home in the free week I had between exams ending and work beginning. All I have managed thus far is unpacking some of my clothes and reorganizing my dressers so that I have somewhere to put the unpacked clothes. I’d cleared off my desk (by stacking everything into several mountains in a corner), but it’s already beginning to lose visible surface area again. That was a huge fail.

4. My summer night class starts this week. 

I can expect time to be in even shorter supply when classes start. I think this pretty much speaks for itself.

5. I have gained weight since coming home.

Why must food in Toronto be so tasty and inexpensive?!


First beauty swap: Canada to US with blissno9

I finally received my package from blissno9 a few days ago from our international beauty swap – she’d received hers a week before I did 😦 Seems like Canadian customs takes a little bit longer to process.

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“Easter dinner” with my roomie

As my roommate and I were the only ones left in the house over Easter weekend, we decided to have dinner together last night, as we hadn’t done so in a while. It really wasn’t an impressive spread, though – no turkey or fancy dishes. Our parents had dropped in for a visit so they had brought us homemade, pre-cooked food. All we had to do was heat it up and make some vegetables to go with it all.

It was pretty typical Chinese fare: pan-fried salmon fillets and brewed beef brisket and turnip (it tastes much better than my clumsy translation implies), courtesy of my wonderful mother; homemade barbeque pork made by his father; and we stir-fried bok choi and mushroom to go with it all. Yes, the pink chopsticks are mine 😛

It just didn’t feel quite like an “Easter dinner”, though, so I figured dessert would be the perfect way to round i off! And what better dessert than warm freshly-baked brownies?

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Win stila from Topbox

Fellow Canadian beauty addicts, Topbox is hosting another contest, ending April 18th:

Entering is via Facebook – if you’d like, please enter as my referral 🙂

Best of luck to all of you, and hope that one of us wins and can share the love by blogging about it!


Sephora VIB haul round 2

I went to Sephora again yesterday with angelandthings to haul some more goodies! This one was definitely not as large as the one I’d made last week – not for lack of trying, though. I very honestly just ran out of “immediate wants” 😛 And I suppose, immediate cash, too…

Left to right:

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FOTD and NOTD: trying out a look for my presentation

Short post today: the makeup I tried out for dinner over the weekend in order to see if it’ll work for my presentation. I’ve never done these types of posts, but I think the pictures will speak for themselves.

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